Las Vegas Atheists

Welcome to Las Vegas Atheists, hosted by To quote Dan Barker, this is a group of "friendly neighborhood atheists". We mainly host informal social gatherings. We have monthly meetups at Jason's Deli and have a variety of other events such as blasphemous holidays, movie events, etc. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event.

Other groups that we are partnered with in Las Vegas that you should check out are: (Las Vegas Freethought Society) is an autonomous nonprofit, educational organization that serves as a forum for freethinkers - atheists, agnostics, humanists and other like-minded individuals in the Las Vegas area. (Humanists Association of Las Vegas and Southern Nevada) is a nonprofit, educational organization whose main purpose is to promote humanism as a viable alternative to supernatural and theistic belief systems. A great resource for the Las Vegas freethought community. Check out the links, information and forum.